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Before And After

See how Itch healer affected our customer's skin in before/after use!



How does Itch Healer work?

Itch Healer employs controlled heat to target and deactivate the proteins injected into the skin by insects during bites. By disrupting the proteins' structure, Itch Healer interrupts the body's histamine response, effectively reducing itching and

Is Itch Healer safe to use on all skin types?

Yes, Itch Healer is safe for use on all skin types. The heat technology used in Itch Healer is gentle and non-invasive, making it suitable for adults and children alike.


Main function is used physical heat pulse technology to decompose formic acid and inactivate "anticoagulantproteins" at high temperatures, effectively promoting blood circulation in the bite area and achievinganantiitching effect.


Main function is used physical heat pulse technology to decompose formic acid and inactivate "anticoagulantproteins" at high temperatures, effectively promoting blood circulation in the bite area and achievinganantiitching effect.

Itch Healer